Enjoy your long weekend, we’ll be back on Tuesday

Enjoy your long weekend, we’ll be back on Tuesday

The ILScorp offices will be closed Monday, September 1 as we take some time to enjoy the long weekend. We’ll be back Tuesday morning, ready to take your calls, answer your questions and register you for online insurance programs. You can reach us from 8 a.m. – 5  p.m. Pacific Time.

You can also register for our insurance training programs online, anytime, at ILScorp.com

Have a great long weekend, everyone!

Ontario Insurance Brokers: Access More Than 160 General Insurance CE Courses With an ILS Subscription

Ontario Insurance Brokers: Access More Than 160 General Insurance CE Courses With an ILS Subscription

ILScorp has RIBO accredited continuing education courses for Ontario General insurance brokers. These courses are all part of the popular ILScorp online CE course subscription, which offers access to more than 160 General insurance CE courses.

With over than 22,000 insurance professionals from across Canada training with ILS every year, we are the leader in online insurance training.

All ILScorp courses are accredited and are written by insurance training experts. These text and video courses engage the user, so the learning experience is both interesting and entertaining. The online format allows you to access your courses anytime, anywhere, and at your convenience.

A six-month subscription to our General Insurance continuing education courses is only $185, which allows you to choose from more than 160 accredited online CE courses (more than 300 credit hours). Or, purchase courses on an individual basis.

The ILS General Insurance Training Course Catalogue includes the following course categories: Personal Lines; Commercial Lines; Automobile; Farm; and Professional Management and Personal Skill.

Ontario insurance agents – your Sept. 30 Continuing Education deadline is approaching fast. In Ontario, principal brokers and deputy principal brokers are required to complete 10 credits per year, with 5 in the management category, and all other licensed individuals require 8 CE credits. The year runs from Oct. 1- Sept 30.

Call 1-800-404-2211 or go to www.ILScorp.com and get started today. 

CE with ILS – fast, easy, done!

Ontario Insurance Brokers: Access More Than 160 General Insurance CE Courses With an ILS Subscription

Is Your Ontario Company AODA Compliant? Make the Mandatory Staff Training Easy With ILScorp

Has your Ontario-based company met the requirements that came into effect January 1, 2014 under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (the “AODA”)? Lexology.com shares the following key points that are now required under Ontario.

The purpose of the AODA is to create a “barrier-free Ontario” for persons with disabilities through the implementation of a number of general requirements, along with five “Accessibility Standards” in the areas of: Customer Service; Information and Communications; Employment; Transportation; and Design of Public Spaces.

If your organization has 50 or more employees, as of January 1, 2014 you are now also required to comply with some general requirements as well as requirements under the Information and Communications Standard.

  1. The Establishment of Accessibility Policies and Multi-Year Accessibility Plans

You must develop, implement, and maintain policies setting out how you will meet your obligations under the AODA. These policies must include a statement of organizational commitment to meet the accessibility needs of persons with disabilities in a timely manner and must be made available to the public. In addition, you must establish, implement, maintain, and document a multi-year accessibility plan outlining your strategy to meet your obligations under the AODA. The multi-year accessibility plan must be posted on your website and must be updated at least once every five years.

  1. Incorporation of Accessibility Features for Self-Service Kiosks

If your organization designs or plans to acquire self-service kiosks, such as a self-checkout at a grocery store, you must now have regard to accessibility for persons with disabilities when designing, procuring, or acquiring self-service kiosks. This requirement applies only to new kiosks.

  1. Accessible Websites

If your organization has a website, you must ensure that it complies with certain accessibility guidelines, in two stages. As of January 1, 2014 new internet websites and new web content must comply with “Level A” of the World Wide Web Consortium Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (“WCAG”) 2.0. For example, websites need to be fully functional through the use of a keyboard. All internet websites and web content (retroactive to January 1, 2012) must comply with WCAG at “Level AA” by January 1, 2021.

By December 31, 2014, you must file an online accessibility report to confirm your organization is in compliance with these new requirements, and remains in compliance with any requirements that came into force at an earlier date.

Many obligations under the AODA will not be in effect for a number of years, such as the requirements under the Employment Standard. However, the requirement to develop and publicize accessibility policies and multi-year accessibility plans now means that you must consider well in advance how your organization will meet these future obligations. As these accessibility policies and multi-year accessibility plans will be readily available to the public, you will want to ensure your organization has an effective strategy in place for remaining in compliance with the AODA.

Learn more about the requirements of the AODA with ILScorp’s compliance training programs. The ILScorp AODA course has been accredited from RIBO for 1 credit hour in the Management Category. Electronic records for all staff who have completed the training are kept by ILScorp in case of an audit. Compliance includes training all employees on AODA standards. Failure to comply can result in fines of up to $100,000. Training with ILS can be completed completely online for only $30 per person. Register your staff today!

Excerpted from an article on Lexology.com

Enjoy your long weekend, we’ll be back on Tuesday

Enjoy Your Long Weekend, We’ll be Back on Tuesday

The ILScorp offices will be closed Monday, Aug. 4 as we take some time to enjoy the long weekend. We’ll be back Tuesday morning, ready to take your calls, answer your questions and register you for online insurance programs. You can reach us from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Pacific Time.

You can also register for our insurance training programs online, anytime, at ILScorp.com

Have a great long weekend, everyone!

Save $100 this Summer on CAIB Exam Prep, and Level 1 Licensing Programs.

Save $100 this Summer on CAIB Exam Prep, and Level 1 Licensing Programs.

This is your Summer to start! Be ready for a new career this summer with a Virtual Classroom insurance licensing or training program from ILS and be ready to launch into a new career in just four weeks. You could be finished your Level 1 insurance licensing (or other exam prep courses) and be ready to start your career in the Canadian insurance industry by August 15.

Plus use the promo code: SUMMERSTART on your registration form and save $100 instantly!

The ILS Introduction to General Insurance Virtual Classroom program starts July 21 and runs for four weeks. The ILS Introduction to General Insurance has a pass rate of more than 80% among students using the Virtual Classroom study program. The ILS IGI – Canada’s newest and most up-to-date insurance licensing course – is accredited for agents working in BC, Manitoba and Saskatchewan. The IGI was written by Steve Hawrishok, original author of the Fundamentals of Insurance program and the Canadian Accredited Insurance Brokers program.

The ILS virtual classrooms program also offers Fundamentals of Insurance Exam Preparation; and CAIB 1, 2 3 or 4 Exam Preparation. Note: You’ll be ready to write your CAIB exam on September 17. Be sure to register with your provincial association for the exam.

Virtual classrooms gives you the flexibility to complete the work on your own time, but also gives you the tools to keep you on track to complete your insurance training course in just four weeks.

All ILS Virtual Classroom courses include:

  • a daily assisted learning calendar – to keep you on track, we provide a study calendar that breaks down the insurance training courses into easy-to-manage daily study modules;
  • online video courses  – it’s like having a personal tutor for your insurance training, with the added benefit of being able to pause, rewind and review at the touch of a button;
  • weekly practice exams – weekly practice exams simulate a real exam environment, so you can become comfortable with the exam process;
  • An online discussion forum and review videos – to help keep you focused and clarify key points.

Register today at ILScorp.com and be on your way to a rewarding insurance career. The Virtual Classroom Programs start in just over two weeks! Once you’ve registered, the ILS staff will be in touch to get you set up and ready to learn. For more information call 1-800-404-2211.

What would you do with $500 right now?

What would you do with $500 right now?

Save it for something you want?

Save it for an emergency?

Or spend it?
Well, if the cash was burning a hole in your pocket,  you could put it towards one of the top selling items of all time and still have some coin left over! That’s kinda like saving it.

Not surprisingly, these are some of the top selling items of all time:

Harry Potter
• Category: Book
• Total sales: 450 million units

Rubik’s Cube
• Category: Toy
• Total sales: 350 million units

• Category: Video game console
• Total sales: 344 million units

• Category: Tablet
• Total sales: 211 million units

Michael Jackson’s Thriller
• Category: Album
• Total sales: 70 million units

Chances are high that you own at least one or more of the above top selling items. I myself own three of the five listed, and yes the Michael Jackson Thriller album is one of them!

So what would you spend your $500 dollars on?  How about a new career?
Right now ILScorp is offering 6 Virtual Classroom Programs for only $450 each. Programs include CAIB Exam Preparation and Level 1 General Insurance Licensing.

Classes are completed entirely online, and start on Monday July 21 to August 15.

Click here to learn how you can build your career in insurance for under $500 bucks.

At the special summer promo price of only $450, you’ll still have a little coin left over, but only until Monday July 21st!

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