Sep 13, 2023 | ChAD PDU
As announced in the spring, the ChAD has requested amendments to the Regulation respecting the compulsory professional development of the Chambre de l’assurance de dommages to the Finance Minister.
It’s official: amendments have been accepted and came into force on August 30, 2023.
Here are the key points to remember:
- Elimination of the grace period and the reference period ends on March 31 of an even-numbered year.
The current reference period (2022-2023) is extended to March 31, 2024. Hence, it has an exceptional duration of 27 months.
As of April 1, 2024, reference periods will begin on April 1 in an even-numbered year rather than January 1 and are to last 24 months (for example, the following reference period will run from April 1, 2024, to March 31, 2026).
The grace period is eliminated.
- Training activities offered between January and March 2024
Training activities offered between January and March 2024 will count towards the current reference period (2022-2023). Training activities given on or after April 1, 2024, will count towards the following reference period (2024-2026). A maximum of five professional development units (PDUs) may be transferred to the new reference period starting April 1, 2024.
- Recognition of the “customer service” competency
The amended regulation now allows us to recognize the “customer service” competency in the “professional development” category. It includes, for example, learning how to express oneself, to listen, and to manage a conversation with a customer in specific situations. Recognition of training activities that will include this competency will always be subject to our analysis of the demand.
- Asynchronous training (will be effective on March 1, 2024)
An asynchronous online training can be recognized if it incorporates features to monitor the duration and if the participant is subject to active learning activities (for example, questions to be answered regularly during the training activity).
ChAD Accredited Online Courses
News regarding ÉduChAD
Finally, another notable change will mark the autumn: the ChAD is getting a new portal that will include an improved version of the ÉduChAD platform. Work is underway.
Nov 10, 2021 | ChAD PDU

ChAD PDUs not showing on your Chambre PDU file?
The deadline for ChAD PDU requirements is Friday December 31, 2021. As we quickly approach the ChAD deadline, many of our ILScorp ChAD subscribers are wondering why their completed ChAD PDUs are not showing in their PDU File on the Chambre de l’assurance dommages website.
Your completed PDUs will not show immediately on the ChAD website as they are updated on a bi-monthly basis. ILScorp enters the completed courses on the Chambre’s site on the 16th for courses completed from the 1-15th of the month and on or around the 1st for courses completed on the 16-31 of the previous month.
Please allow a few business days for all the courses to be entered. If you’ve completed a course on the 2nd of December it will be entered around the 16th of December. If you complete a course on Dec 16th it will be entered around the 4th of January.
The important matter here is that your courses for PDU requirements are completed with a date of no later than December 31, 2021. The PDUs for courses completed prior to or on December 31 will be reported to ChAD within the time period given to course providers to meet the administration deadline. These PDUs will appear online once the Chambre de l’assurance dommages reviews the reports and updates your PDU record.
Your license will not be immediately revoked if your PDUs are not reflected on the ChAD website by January 1st, 2022 ChAD will contact you if they believe there is a problem prior to any action being taken.
You also have the option of entering your completed PDU’s yourself on your EduChAD profile.
ChAD Accredited Courses
Vos UFC de la ChAD ne sont-elles pas affichées dans votre dossier UFC de la Chambre de l’assurance de dommages ?
Le dernier délai pour les besoins des UFC de la ChAD est le dimanche 31 décembre, 2021. Alors que nous nous approchons rapidement de cette date limite imposée par la ChAD, un grand nombre de nos abonnés à la ChAD ILScorp se demandent pourquoi leurs UFC complétées de la ChAD ne sont pas affichées dans leur dossier UFC sur le site internet de la Chambre de l’assurance de dommages.
Vos UFC complétées ne seront pas affichées immédiatement sur le site internet de la ChAD parce qu’elles sont mises à jour bimestrielle.
Ce qui est important est que vos cours pour les besoins d’UFC soient terminés pas plus tard que le 31 décembre 2021. Les UFC pour les cours complétés le 31 décembre ou avant seront signalées à la ChAD dans le délai accordé aux prestataires de cours afin que ces derniers puissent respecter le délai d’administration. Ces UFC apparaîtront en ligne une fois que la Chambre de l’assurance de dommages aura révisé les rapports et mis à jour votre dossier d’UFC.
Votre licence ne sera pas révoquée immédiatement si vos UFC ne sont pas représentées sur le site ChAD à la date du 4 janvier 2022. Avant que toute démarche ne soit entreprise, la ChAD vous contactera s’il y a lieu de croire qu’il y a un problème. Si vous avez terminé vos cours le 31 décembre ou avant, nos dossiers électroniques peuvent être utilisés pour vérifier toute question posée par la ChAD.
Apr 15, 2019 | ChAD PDU
New ChAD Compliance Courses for your 2019 ChAD PDU Requirements
To fulfill your professional development obligations, ChAD members must:
Earn 20 professional development units (PDUs) during each two-year reference period, in the following categories:
- Compliance (minimum 3 of PDUs)
- Administration, Insurance techniques or Law
- Professional development (maximum of 5 PDUs)
Successfully complete the compulsory course entitled Focusing on Compliance: Your Duty to Inform, Explain and Advise (2 PDUs in Compliance) before December 31, 2019. This course is only available through EduChAD and must be purchased and completed through them.
All ILScorp ChAD PDU Subscribers now have access to 2 new ChAD Compliance courses. These courses invite you to have a close look at the Quebec insurance act entitled the Act Respecting the Distribution of Financial Products and Services. It is true of any Act that it cannot be summarized for the simple reason that it is a set of very specific details, all of which are important because they represent the particulars of a rule of law in a certain domain. These courses provide you with introductions to the various sections of the Act in the hope that this will help you to anticipate the focus by addressing it “one chunk at a time.” The objective of these courses is to assist you in using the Act itself as a reference when you need it.
ChAD Compliance Course for 3 PDU’s
ChAD Compliance Course for 3 PDU’s
Both of these ChAD compliance courses are included as part of the ILScorp ChAD PDU Subscription.
With the ChAD Accredited Online Courses Subscription you will:
- have 6 months access to over 70 accredited ChAD insurance training courses in both text and streaming video formats
- access over 100 PDUs in the categories administration and insurance techniques, professional development and professional compliance and Law and Legislation
- save money compared to purchasing individual courses
- have a digital record of your completed course work, which we keep on file for up to seven years
- save time by completing your PDU requirements entirely online, no paperwork or commute
Remember, as a Quebec licensed damage insurance agent, broker or claims adjuster, you must complete 20 hours (PDUs) of training per two-year compliance period. The compliance period deadline is December 31, 2019.