ChAD Chambre de l’assurance de dommages – PDU Subscription

Complete your PDU requirements for December 31, 2015

ChAD accredited online courses for Quebec licensed insurance agents, brokers and adjusters.

As a Quebec licensed damage insurance agent, broker or claims adjuster, you must complete 20 hours (PDUs) of training per two-year compliance period. The compliance period deadline is December 31 of every odd-numbered year.

20 hours of training or Professional Development Units (PDUs) must be completed in the following categories:

  • 12 Administration and/or Insurance Techniques and/or Law and Legislation
  • 5 Professional Development and/or any other category)
  • 3 Professional Compliance

With the ChAD Accredited Online Courses Subscription you will:

  • have 6 months access to over 70 accredited ChAD insurance training courses in both text and streaming video formats
  • access over 100 PDUs in the categories administration and insurance techniques, professional development and professional compliance and Law and Legislation
  • save money compared to purchasing individual courses
  • have a digital record of your completed course work, which we keep on file for up to seven years
  • save time by completing your PDU requirements entirely online, no paperwork or commute

Purchase a ChAD PDU Subscription


ChAD / CSF Combo Subscription Option

If you need PDUs for ChAD and/or CSF this combo subscription gives you access to all available ChAD and or CSF accredited courses.

Purchase the combo subscription and save $75 compared to purchasing each subscription separately!

ChAD / CSF Combo Subscription





‘Twas Risky Night Before Christmas, an Insurance Holiday Version

‘Twas Risky Night Before Christmas, an Insurance Holiday Version

‘Twas the night before Christmas (12:01 a.m. 12/25) and all through the house (single family, joisted masonry, e.c.3, terr. 44, pc5), not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse (thorough pride of ownership and excellent maintenance).

The (flame-retardant) stockings were hung by the (contractor-installed) chimney with care, in hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there (in spite of deadbolt locks and central station alarm system).

The children (ages 4, 8, 14, & 16) were all nestled snug in their beds (check MVR on 16-year-old) while visions of sugar plums danced in their heads (check for drug use).

Ma in her kerchief (scheduled heirloom) and I in my cap (no slave to fashion) had just settled down for a long winter’s nap. (Check employment, is insured sleeping all day?)

When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter (check into condition of premises, housekeeping, etc.), I jumped out of bed to see what was the matter.

Away to the window I flew like a flash, threw back the curtains and tore open the sash (intentional destructive act, no coverage; also, appears insured only wearing a cap in front of uncovered window).

When what to my wondrous eyes should appear, but a miniature sleigh and eight tiny reindeer. (check if sleigh is rated business use and corporate owned.) With a little old driver so lively and quick, I knew in a moment it must be St. Nick. (Notify life underwriting, order medical on 600-year-old driver).

More rapid than eagles (check MVR for speeding violations) his coursers they came and he whistled and shouted and called them by name (possible aggressive driver).

Now Dasher (turbo equipped?), now Dancer (classic?), now Prancer (check occupation), now Vixen (definitely check occupation), on Comet (possible muscle deer), on Cupid (check credit score), on Donner (4×4) and Blitzen (possible drinking problem?).

To the top of the porch, to the top of the wall (check for structural damage; also look into height exposures), now dash away, dash away, dash away all (old man climbing walls either in great shape or overly medicated).

So up to the housetop his coursers they flew, with a sleigh full of toys and Saint Nicholas, too. (Check for possible retail delivery classification of autos). And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof, the prancing and pawing of each little hoof. (Check for shingle damage; also classification of operations—roofing is a prohibited class).

As I drew in my head and was turning around, down the chimney he came with a bound.

He was dressed all in fur (scheduled items) from his head to his foot, and his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot. (Part-time job as firefighter?)

A bundle of toys he had flung on his back. (Check to see if insured has safety committee; check lifting training). His eyes how they twinkled, his dimples how merry, his cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry (order updated medical report, possible drinking and/or drug abuse).

The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth (ineligible for nonsmoker discount) and the smoke encircled his head like a wreath (check batteries in smoke detectors to make sure operational).

He was chubby and plump a right jolly elf (overweight for height) and I laughed when I saw him in spite of myself. A wink of his eye and a nod of his head soon gave me reason I had nothing to dread (Stranger enters past alarm and insured not worried? Sounds suspicious.)

He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work, and filled all the stocking, then turned with a jerk (review workplace for ergonomic compliance).

And laying his finger aside of his nose (obscene gesture?), and giving a nod, up the chimney he rose. (Check operations, chimney sweeps are prohibited classification, look into GL PD deductible.)

He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle, and away they all flew like the down of a thistle (not likely with fat man and sleigh full of toys. Check GVW for proper classification, light/service/local seems unlikely).

And I heard him exclaim as he drove out of sight, “Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!” (Check hours of operation; 24-hour service operations prohibited. Also check into seasonal nature of business.)

Source: Insurance Journal

L’abonnement ChAD – vous offre l’accès illimité aux cours accrédités

L’abonnement ChAD – vous offre l’accès illimité aux cours accrédités

L’abonnement ChAD permet aux courtiers et agents en assurance de dommages du Québec d’épargner de l’argent tout obtenant l’accès à d’excellentes formations continues accréditées. Revoyez le contenu des cours aussi souvent que vous le voulez pendant une période de six mois, le tout pour un paiement unique et abordable.

ILScorp forme des professionnels en assurance au Canada depuis plus de 20 ans. Avec plus de 25,000 abonnés en ligne annuellement, nous sommes très fiers d’être les fournisseurs par excellence de formation en assurance en ligne au Canada.

Nous espérons que vous vous joindrez à des milliers de courtiers et experts en assurance qui choisissent pour leur formation professionnelle.

Tous nos cours sont offerts en anglais, mais nous serons bientôt en mesure d’offrir un environnement d’étude bilingue. Nous offrons actuellement quelques cours en français et d’autres suivront dans un avenir rapproché.

Cours en ligne accrédités a une disponibilité de cours totalisant plus de 100 PDUS dans toutes les catégories, à l’exception de la catégorie relative aux lois et législation; nous ajoutons sur une base régulière de nouveaux cours à notre catalogue.

Options d’achat

L’Abonnement ChAD – cet abonnement vous offre l’accès illimité aux cours accrédités (plus de 100 crédits de PDU!)

Frais :185 $

Achetez Maintenant


Une fois inscrit, vous pourrez accéder aux cours immédiatement ! Si vous êtes un nouvel abonné, vous recevrez votre nom d’utilisateur et mot de passe automatisés par courriel.


  • Tout le matériel est disponible en ligne.
  • Tout ce dont vous avez besoin est d’avoir accès à l’internet!
  • Vous pouvez accéder et sortir des cours en tout temps.
  • Des quiz et examens finaux vous seront offerts dans le but de retenir la matière enseignée.
  • Si vos résultats sont au-dessous de la note de passage, vous pourrez reprendre l’examen jusqu’à l’obtention de la note de passage.
  • Une fois le cours terminé avec succès, vous serez en mesure d’imprimer un certificat.
  • Tous les résultats obtenus aux cours seront stockés par, et seront accessibles de façon immédiate pour une période de cinq ans.
  • Si vous avez besoin d’aide pour un cours, nous sommes disponibles du lundi au vendredi

Ce cours est inclus dans le cadre de l’abonnement au cours accrédité ILS ChAD

Vol d’identité et techniques de gestion de risques

Durant ce cours, nous allons parler de l’impact qu’ont les vols d’identité sur les Canadiens, des méthodes que les voleurs d’identité utilisent, des études de cas et des techniques de gestion de risques. Les sujets dont nous allons discuter sont les suivants :

1. Qu’est-ce que le vol d’identité?

2.Faites attention – Astuces courantes que les voleurs d’identité utilisent

3.Crime véritable – Cas de vols d’identité en Amérique du nord

4.Techniques de gestion de risques

5.Réagir au vol d’identité

Ce cours est inclus dans le cadre de l’abonnement au cours accrédité ILS ChAD

Credit Hours: 2 UFC Credit Type: Insurance Technique Accrediting Province: QUEBEC – ChAD

Vol d’identité et techniques de gestion de risques



Celebrate Don’t Litigate this Christmas

Celebrate Don’t Litigate this Christmas

Source: State Farm Canada

Holiday and Christmas party season is already in full swing, and because most of us represent a giant and boring insurance company we thought we’d share a buzz-kill story idea about homeowner liability as it relates to insurance if you are throwing your own shindig this month.

There are a variety of situations or accidents that can occur that could put a serious damper on your party. What if someone slips and falls, requires medical attention, or has too much to drink, then drives, and causes an accident? These situations are unpleasant to think about when planning a party, but homeowners should always make sure they are prepared for worst case scenarios.

Before hosting a party, talk to your insurance agent, broker, or provider about your homeowner insurance policy. They will help you determine if you have adequate liability coverage. Most homeowners policies cover bodily injury, property damage, and will provide for legal defense should a homeowner get sued in civil court as a result of an occurrence that is covered by the policy. Your agent can also help you determine if an umbrella policy is needed. Umbrella policies (also called Personal Liability Umbrella Policies) offer an additional level of protection beyond the limits of a homeowner policy.

Some tips:

  • Warn guests to pay attention to any hazards on the property that they should avoid or take them by surprise; such as steep steps or a hole in the ground
  • Keep sidewalks, walkways and steps free of ice and snow
  • Ensure there is adequate outdoor lighting during times when guests will be arriving and leaving.
  • Take special care of items on the property that may attract children, like a swing set or tree house, and reinforce to guests that their children must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
  • Be prepared to have guests spend the night, appoint designated drivers, or have a local taxi service phone number easily available.
  • Drink responsibly and have fun

Also, each province and municipality have various laws and by-laws that can affect your legal responsibilities; when in doubt contact a legal or municipal by-law expert to see how these may affect you.


Updated Manitoba General Insurance Continuing Education Definition and Guidelines

Updated Manitoba General Insurance Continuing Education Definition and Guidelines

The General Insurance Council of Manitoba has recently developed detailed guidelines for general insurance licence holders and course providers to assist in the selection and application of General Insurance continuing education credit hours. The Manitoba General Insurance Continuing Education Definition and Guidelines have been reviewed, updated and redefined.

Continuing Education Definition General and Auto Only Broker Licensees

Manitoba Insurance Council: “The objective of continuing education is to improve and increase the ability of the general insurance agent to deliver a high quality of performance, keeping abreast of current and emerging developments in the insurance industry.

Continuing education must be directly related to knowledge relevant to giving advice about general insurance products or services, including the claims process, or the operation of a general insurance business. This includes programs which are structured for the specific purpose of educating and providing skills to agents to communicate insurance matters effectively.

“ICM recognizes that sales are a large part of an agent’s everyday activities and therefore sales knowledge and skills are a requirement for agents. While ICM encourages agents to engage in programs or courses as part of their insurance education, it has determined that the focus of continuing education credits will exclude activities such as programs and meetings primarily based on sales production, promotion and motivation. While the health and welfare of agency employees is of concern in the workplace, it is not the subject for ICM continuing education credits.”

The following listing of ILS CE courses that are currently being offered for Manitoba credits, do not fall within the updated Manitoba CE definitions and guidelines.
Therefore the Manitoba accreditation of these courses will be expiring on Friday December 4, 2015.  (Manitoba accreditation only all other accreditation remains)

MB9560 Positive Passion
MB9605 18 Steps to Dealing with Confrontation
MB9750 Job Security During a Recession And Beyond for ILS
MB9557 Ten “Easy” Commandments for Getting Along With People
MB9558 The Secrets of Commercial Insurance Sales
MB9559 Behavioral Selling
MB19621 Commercial Sales – Video Course
MB19639 Coping with Job Stress and Harassment
MB19697 How to Make a Good Presentation
MB13865 The Sales Process – A Course for Commercial Lines Brokers – Part 1
MB13866 The Sales Process – A Course for Commercial Lines Brokers – Part 2
MB13873 The Sales Process – Selling by Design, Not by Chance – Part 1
MB13874 The Sales Process – Selling by Design, Not by Chance – Part 2
MB19769 Workplace Bullying – Employee
MB19770 Workplace Bullying – Employer
MB19654 Basic Customer Service Skills – Part 1
MB19655 Basic Customer Service Skills – Part 2
MB12594 How to Analyze Effectiveness of Your Customer Service Program
MB19695 Improving Your Management Skills – Part 1
MB19696 Improving Your Management Skills – Part 2
MB12344 Developing your Listening and Questioning Skills
MB19694 Handling Objections in the Sales Process
MB12356 Overcoming Your Customers Objections to Price
MB19653 Dealing with Difficult People – Part 1
MB12362 Dealing with Difficult People – Part 2

Continuing education credits will apply to these courses if they were completed prior to December 4, 2015.

PDUs not showing on your CSF Member’s Area PDU record?

Deadline for CSF PDU requirements is Monday November 30, 2015.  As we quickly approach the CSF deadline, many of our ILScorp CSF subscribers are wondering why their completed CSF PDU’s are not showing in their Member’s Area PDU Record on the Chambre de la Securite Financiere Website.

Your completed PDU’s will not show immediately on the CSF website as they are updated on a monthly basis.  ILScorp sends a report to the Chambre de la Securite at beginning of each month, for all PDUs completed in the previous month. For example on November 1, ILScorp submits a report for all PDU’s completed in the month of October.  ILScorp will be submitting a report to CSF by December 1, 2015 for all PDU’s completed in the month of November, for the November 30, deadline.

Your completed PDU’s will be reported in time for the November 30 requirement deadline, and will appear online once the Chambre de la securite Financiere reviews the report and updates your Member Profile.

If you want your PDU’s to display in your CSF Member’s Area PDU Record immediately, you have the ability to enter them.

As a member of the Chambre de la Securite Financiere, you can enter your PDUs obtained for accredited training activities into your PDU record.

Here’s how.

You can enter the proof of presence to training activities on the CSF’s website through a secure access in the Members’ Area section.

To activate your online member record, you must go to the Members’ Area page, click on Activate your membership under the yellow authentication square, and follow the instructions.

Once the Member’s Area is activated, the member will be able to access his PDU record.

The member can enter the PDUs by:

  1. Opening a session on the Members’ Area by entering their certificate number and password
  2. Click on “To consult your PDU record, click here”
  3. Click on Enter activities
  4. Enter the identification number of the training activity. The number is listed on the proof of presence issued by the person responsible for the training activity. It contains 11 to 12 characters and is similar to CSF00-00-00000
  5. Enter the date when the training activity took place
  6. Enter your name and specify the PDU category
  7. Click on “Save”

The member can add training activities or delete them if they were erroneously added by mistake. When they have finished entering the PDUs, the member is encouraged to print the page and keep it until the information entered has been transferred to their PDU record. It can take up to 48 hours for the entered PDUs to show up in their professional development record.

It’s important to keep any proof of completion of training activities for 24 months following the reference period during which the activity took place, because the CSF will periodically check with members. Upon request by the CSF, the member must send their proofs of presence within 30 days.

Register for CSF PDU Courses




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