Jan 1, 2018 | News
ILScorp’s New Location
It’s with great pleasure to let you know that we have relocated to a beautiful and spacious new location.
Our new address is:
Unit #104
1829 Beaufort Avenue
Comox, BC. Canada
V9M 1R9
However, our phone number remains the same at 1-800-404-2211.
Our primary email address is also still the same info@ilscorp.com
Since we first opened our doors in 1991, our customers loyal business and support is one of the main reasons why we’ve grown so much over the years. We’ve been searching for the ideal location and are happy to tell everyone that we’ve finally found it!
As of November 30, 2017, we are no longer at our Ryan Road address. Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have concerning the new location on Beaufort Avenue or our services.
We look forward to working with you at our new address!
Dana Barr
General Manager
Dec 11, 2017 | News
The ILScorp offices will be closed for the Christmas and Holiday season from December 25, 2017 until January 2, 2018.
During this period our live customer service representatives will be enjoying a well deserved holiday and our phone lines will automatically go to voicemail. Kindly leave us a message or better yet please send in tickets to info@ilscorp.com where your requests will be attended to as soon as possible upon our opening date on Tuesday January 2, 2018.
We invite you to place your orders well in advance in order to ensure we can assist you and you have a Happy Holiday Season too! During the ILScorp office closure all courses and subscriptions are available to purchase online via credit card.
Please note we will not be scheduling any licensing exams during the closure.
Just for good measure, here are some of our most commonly asked questions:
How do I retrieve my username and password for my insurance courses?
If you have forgotten your username or password simply:
- Go to www.ilscorp.com
- Click on ‘Forgot Password?’ under the log-in boxes
- Enter your email that we currently have on file for you
- You will receive an email with your relevant information
I’ve logged in and all I see is ‘No Courses Found’.
Why can’t I see my courses?
ILScorp courses are available for a specific amount of time from the date of purchase; your course(s) subscription may have expired. CE course subscriptions and individual courses are available for 6 months from the date of purchase, with unlimited amount of access. If you log into your ILScorp profile and do not see any courses listed under the “My Courses” tab, you can renew / purchase your course subscription from the ILScorp Course Catalog, or by choosing your subscription category here. Once your purchase is complete, you will have immediate access to your courses.
How do I register for more online insurance courses?
To renew your subscription or register for a licensing course simply:
- Go to www.ilscorp.com
- Do not log in – find the course you wish to take off the homepage and click ‘Buy Now’
- If you are a returning user – enter your current username/password – click ‘Sign In’ (Do not make a new account)
- If you are a new user – create a new account and fill in all applicable information – click ‘Submit Information’
- Enter your credit card information as it appears on your billing statement
Visit our FAQ page to see more. HAPPY HOLIDAYS! See you in 2018!
Nov 29, 2017 | News
Final days for the deadline for the CSF reference period of December 1, 2015 to November 30, 2017.
Did you know you can enter your PDUs on your CSF PDU record?
Here is how you enter the PDUs obtained for training activities into your PDU record on the CSF website.
You can enter the proof of presence to training activities on the CSF’s website through a secure access in the Members’ Area section.
To activate their online member record, the member must go to the Members’ Area page, click on Activate your membership under the yellow authentication square, and follow the instructions.
Once the Member’s Area is activated, the member will be able to access his PDU record.
The member can enter the PDUs by:
- Opening a session on the Members’ Area by entering their certificate number and password
- Click on “To consult your PDU record, click here”
- Click on Enter activities
- Enter the identification number of the training activity. The number is listed on the proof of presence issued by the person responsible for the training activity. It contains 11 to 12 characters and is similar to CSF00-00-00000
- Enter the date when the training activity took place
- Enter your name and specify the PDU category
- Click on “Save”
The member can add training activities or delete them if they were erroneously added by mistake. When they have finished entering the PDUs, the member is encouraged to print the page and keep it until the information entered has been transferred to their PDU record.
It’s important to keep any proof of presence to training activities for 24 months following the reference period during which the activity took place, because the CSF will periodically check with members. Upon request by the CSF, the member must send their proofs of presence within 30 days.
The Regulation of the Chambre de la sécurité financière respecting compulsory professional development applies to every professional holding an authorization issued by the Autorité des marchés financiers allowing him to practise in any of the following sectors and registration categories:
- Group savings plan brokerage;
- Scholarship plan brokerage;
- Insurance of persons;
- Group insurance of persons.
A representative must accumulate the following professional development units (PDUs):
- 10 PDUs in general subjects;
- 10 PDUs in compliance with standards, ethics and business conduct*;
- 10 PDUs in topics specific to each sector or registration category in which he is authorized to pursue activities
The member can prove they participated in a training activity and enter the PDUs into their record by entering the proof of presence either:
- Online in their PDU Record in the Members’ Area
- By fax, at 514-282-3418
- By email, at ufc@chambresf.com
- By mail at: Chambre de la sécurité financière, 2000, McGill College avenue, 12th floor, Montréal, (Quebec) H3A 3H3
Online Accredited CSF Courses Here
Nov 2, 2017 | News
ChAD Compulsory Course Worth 2 PDUs
Beginning with the 2016-2017 reference period, and continuing thereafter for each reference period, representatives will be obliged to take a compulsory course developed by the ChAD worth 2 PDUs. The general objective of this compulsory course is to address ethical shortcomings. The PDUs earned by taking this course will count towards the 20 compulsory PDUs representatives must earn during each compliance period. They will also count towards the minimum of 3 compulsory PDUs in Compliance.
The 2016-2017 compliance period compulsory course is entitled Focusing on Compliance: Your Duty to Inform, Explain and Advise and will be offered online at the ChAD’s training site, ÉduChAD. The course targets the top reason for complaints over the past four years: failure to properly inform, explain and advise.
To find out more about this compulsory course, please click on its page here.
Limit on the Number of PDUs Earned After Re-taking the Same Training
Members may earn PDUs for taking the same training a maximum of two times, as long as the training is taken during two different reference periods. A member who has already earned PDUs twice for the same training will not earn any further PDUs if he or she takes this training once again.
Carry-over of Five PDUs
Members who have earned extra PDUs are permitted to transfer up to five PDUs to the following compliance period.
ChAD Accredited Online Courses
Cours obligatoire de 2 UFC
À partir de la période de référence 2016-2017, le représentant a l’obligation de suivre chaque période de référence un cours obligatoire de 2 UFC afférentes à une activité de formation élaborée par la ChAD. L’objectif général de ce cours obligatoire est de pallier les lacunes récurrentes observées en déontologie. Les UFC obtenues lors de ce cours seront comptabilisées à même les 20 UFC obligatoires actuelles par période de référence. Elles sont également comptabilisées à même le minimum de 3 UFC obligatoires en Conformité.
Pour la période de référence 2016-2017, le cours obligatoire s’intitule Cap sur la conformité : votre devoir d’informer, d’expliquer et de conseiller. Disponible en ligne sur l’espace de formation ÉduChAD, il cible le premier motif de plainte depuis les quatre dernières années, soit le défaut d’informer, d’expliquer et de conseiller adéquatement.
Consultez la page du cours obligatoire pour en savoir plus.
Avis important : le maintien de votre certificat est conditionnel à la réussite du cours obligatoire.
Pour conserver votre certificat en vigueur et continuer à exercer comme professionnel en assurance de dommages ou expertise en règlement de sinistres, vous devez compléter toutes vos obligations de formation continue pour la période de référence 2016-2017, y compris celle de réussir le cours obligatoire. Faute de quoi, votre dossier sera transféré à l’Autorité des marchés financiers qui procèdera à la suspension de votre certificat.
Limitation des UFC pour une même formation
Un membre peut accumuler les UFC attribuables à une activité de formation un maximum de deux fois, pourvu qu’elle soit suivie dans des périodes de références différentes. Par conséquent, un membre qui aurait déjà accumulé des UFC pour une même formation deux fois n’obtiendra pas d’UFC s’il la suit de nouveau.
Surplus d’UFC
Les membres ayant cumulé des UFC en surplus se verront transférer automatiquement jusqu’à concurrence de 5 UFC à la fin de la période de conformité suivante.
Oct 25, 2017 | News
Chambre de la sécurité finaceire – CSF Mandatory Course on Compliance.
Every other reference period, or every 4 years, all members of the Chambre must obtain at least 3 Compliance PDUs by following a training activity that was built by or offered in partnership with the CSF.
The 3 PDUs are counted as part of the amount that is usually requested of representatives. The CSF’s second mandatory course on compliance is PROETHICS. This course is only available directly through the CSF Education offers on the CSF website.
The PDUs related to the CSF’s mandatory course on compliance ProEthics can only be awarded once during the two reference periods (4 year period) covered by the course, that is, between the launch of the training activity in November 2016 and the end of the current period on November 30, 2019.
Through practical advice and tools, the ProEthics training activity’s aim is to help you integrate the best practices in order to allow you to meet your ethical obligations. This course is sure to have a positive impact on your business practices and on the profession as a whole.
Description of PROETHICS (INSURANCE) Course
Every day, you are reminded that the growth of your business and your professional success are inextricably tied to the satisfaction of your customers. Strictly adhering to the rules of your profession plays a large part in helping you achieve these objectives.
In order to support you in this endeavour, the CSF is proud to offer a course that will help you put into practice the ethical obligations that your status as a financial service professional and the importance of your role with the public require you to meet. The course will help you hone the skills you’ve acquired during the 2013-2015 mandatory course.
This training activity includes audio narration, interviews, scenarios, and questions that will provide a stimulating and enriching experience. You will discover various resources including useful links, recommendations for related training activities, as well as myriad practical tools available on the CSF’s website.
Specific objectives
- Understand the new regulations or regulatory changes relevant to your practice.
- Review the ethical obligations you have toward your clients, the public, the profession, and other financial service professionals.
- Identify the regulations that you must comply with and the behaviour you must avoid in the context of business development or promotion of services and financial products.
- Adopt the best practices when it comes to your relationship with your clients in order to foster consumer trust in the profession.
Topics covered
- Competence
- Overall knowledge 1: Know your client
- Overall knowledge 2: Investor profile
- Overall knowledge 3: KYC update
- Ageing clients
- Signature
- Financial needs analysis (FNA)
- Notice of replacement
Features of this training activity
- Interactive online training
- Even though successfully completing this activity does not require a passing grade, a performance indicator will reveal the percentage of your correct answers in each module as you progress through the activity. This indicator’s purpose is to allow you to measure your level of knowledge in compliance and ethics. Moreover, your result is not made public to other members nor is it kept in your PDU record. Your attestation will be available when you complete the activity.
More CSF Courses
CSF Professional Development Requirements
Reference period from December 1, 2015 to November 30, 2017
The Regulation of the Chambre de la sécurité financière respecting compulsory professional development applies to every professional holding an authorization issued by the Autorité des marchés financiers allowing him to practise in any of the following sectors and registration categories:
- Group savings plan brokerage;
- Scholarship plan brokerage;
- Insurance of persons;
- Group insurance of persons.
A representative must accumulate the following professional development units (PDUs):
- 10 PDUs in general subjects;
- 10 PDUs in compliance with standards, ethics and business conduct;
- 10 PDUs in topics specific to each sector or registration category in which he is authorized to pursue activities:
A maximum of 5 excess PDUs accumulated during the last three months of a reference period (that is, from September 1 to November 30 of an odd-numbered year), may be carried over to the following reference period or after the exemption period. The transfer of these PDUs must be made by the representative through his secure PDU record via the members’ area.
Oct 17, 2017 | News
With the ILScorp CAIB Exam Preparation Virtual Classroom Programs, you have access to a real LIVE instructor!
Have a question on the material you’re studying… ask the instructor!
Yes your real LIVE instructor is Todd Hochban, available to answer your questions and comments via the Virtual Classroom Discussion Forum. Post questions, review answers and really think about what you’re learning.
The Virtual Classroom Programs allow you to engage with your instructor and fellow students via a learning platform and course material designed to ensure a stimulating and productive way to prepare for your next CAIB exam.
ILScorp Virtual Classrooms are a combination of structure and freedom
ILscorp Virtual Classroom programs are built on a structure of daily assignments and due dates that you must meet, whether it’s taking an online chapter quiz; completing daily questions; watching weekly review videos; or participating in a discussion with fellow classmates. However, within the virtual classrooms structure you have the freedom to choose the best times to participate that sync with your schedule.
You time is valuable
Save time, money and effort without sacrificing learning quality by accessing our expert-led online training from the convenience of your home, office or anywhere with an Internet connection. E-learning provides a welcome environment for working adults who need to balance work and family all while preparing for the next CAIB exam to further their careers. Right away, you save hours every week not having to commute back and forth to classes on a campus—and that’s just the beginning.
Next Virtual Classroom Programs Start October 30, 2017
More Info on Programs
How the ILScorp Virtual Classroom Programs Work
ILScorp Virtual Classrooms are completed entirely online, and are ideal for students who benefit from learning in a more structured atmosphere with daily tasks and outlines. Within the 4 week program each day is broken down in a calendar showing what course material to cover and questions assigned to answer. There is no set “classroom time” – the daily video course material, tasks and questions can be completed at your convenience, using the calendar as a guideline to keep you on track during the 4 weeks. Through an online discussion forum you will have access to the answers of your daily assigned questions, as well as the ability to ask the instructor your own questions. Every Friday you receive a review video which summarizes the material covered during the week. Once your 4 week program is complete, you can access your course material for a full 3 months. (3 months after the end date of the virtual classroom) This ensures you can review your material until you feel you are fully prepared to write your exam. ILS recommends a minimum study time of 80 to 120 hours.
Warning this program is not for Zombies.